Many Hands Make Light Work

The success of Troop 1911 is due to its many helpful parents and committee members! Here are some resources to help you get involved with our troop

New Parent Orientation

Many questions you may have are covered in this powerpoint: 2022 New Parent Orientation

Camping With the Troop

Many parents are interested in camping with the Troop. We strongly encourage this, and it’s a great way to get to know other adults in the Troop, make friends, and discover ways you can help the Troop. However, there are a few requests and rules:

  • Must complete Youth Protection Training
  • Must have a current health form on file
  • Complete a short orientation by the Scoutmaster
  • Formal training (Committee, Scoutmaster, Outdoor Skills, etc.) is a plus

More information and explanation can be found here: CampingWithTheTroop

Youth Protection

All adults involved with the troop are required to have current Youth Protection training. It’s quick, easy and can be done online at

  • Start by creating a account, if you don’t have one.
  • Take the online training
  • Print your YP card.
  • Bring the YP card to the troop meeting so the troop can update its records.


ScoutBook instructions

Scoutbook is an essential tool for every Troop 1911 parent and scout, as we use it for troop-wide email messages as well as rank advancements and activity tracking.

When you sign up for Troop 1911, you should receive a formal email invite to ScoutBook soon afterward. Do NOT sign up for ScoutBook without using the formal invite link, as you will not be connected to our Troop’s databases. If you haven’t gotten an invite, request an one from the Scoutmaster.

If you want to add your scout to the Troop email list, they will need their own personal email account, and then for you to send them an invite within ScoutBook (see instructions under the link below).

Committee Meetings

We try to have a parent meeting once every other month, see the troop calendar for dates. Come find out what the troop needs to continue operating. We discuss who will lead future trips and community events, who will organize fundraisers, summarize recent events, the current financial state of the troop and many other topics required in running the troop. All adults with scouts in the troop are encouraged to attend. Leave your scouts at home for parent meetings if possible, if not they are welcome to sit quietly in the back or go outside at the church.
