Instructions on how to add your scout’s personal email to ScoutBook so he can receive (and send) troop emails:

  1. Login to your parent account on
  2. Click on the “My Dashboard” button from the main menu
  3. Click on the “Administration” button
  4. Under “My Family” click on your scout’s account:
  5. That will bring you to your scout’s account page. Scroll down until you see the “Edit Profile” button:
  6. On their Edit Profile page, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and click on the red “Invite [Scout’s Name] to Connect” button. (If you don’t see that Invite button, email Shawn M. and/or Paul Q.)
  7. That will open a small window where you can type in your scout’s email address,  which will ship them a formal invite email allowing them to connect to their own account.
  8. Once your scout logs in for the first time, it will automatically add them to the all-troop email list, plus allow them to message other leaders, scouts and parents individually from within ScoutBook — very handy!


You can use the window below to access ScoutBook, or click here to load Scoutbook its own window. 

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